  • Investing.com: Stock Market

    Investing.com: Stock Market

    9.4 6.32 2025-02-07

Get real-time stock alerts and breaking news to track volatile markets now!

Join the millions of people using the Investing.com app every day to stay on top of the stock market and global financial markets!

Keep your finger on the pulse of the stock market news and world finance with Investing.com. Our finance app offers real-time data on major indices like the Dow Jones and provides a stock tracker for keeping track of penny stocks. Stay informed with personalized alerts for breaking news and stock market updates from across the globe. Whether you're following stock market news or seeking insightful financial analysis, Investing.com ensures you're always in the know.


Access live quotes and charts for over 100,000 financial instruments, including major indices, individual stocks, commodities, currencies, and more. Stay informed about the latest market developments and make data-driven decisions.


Stay ahead of key economic events with our comprehensive Economic Calendar. From central bank announcements to employment reports, our calendar keeps you informed about market-moving events around the world.


Manage your investments with ease using our personalized portfolio feature. Track your favorite financial instruments and monitor their performance in real time. With customizable watchlists and alerts, you'll never miss an opportunity.


Receive customizable alerts for important market events, breaking news, and price changes. Stay informed about market movements and take action when opportunities arise.


Stay up-to-date with the latest financial news and analysis from our team of experts. From stock news to market insights, we provide the information you need to make informed decisions.


Access a suite of powerful financial tools, including advanced charts, technical analysis, and currency converters. Whether you're a novice investor or an experienced trader, our tools empower you to succeed in the financial markets.


Join our community of traders and investors to share insights, ideas, and strategies. Connect with like-minded individuals and stay informed about the latest market trends.


Monitor commodity prices in real-time, including gold, silver, oil, and more. Stay informed about global market trends and make informed decisions about your investments.


Track market leaders such as Apple Inc., Alphabet Inc., Tesla, Amazon, Microsoft Corporation, and more with our stock tracker. Stay informed about major players in the financial markets.


Follow data from all major stock market indices, including the Dow Jones, S&P 500, FTSE 100, and more. Stay informed about global market trends and make informed decisions about your investments.


Access real-time data on bonds, including US Treasury bonds, corporate bonds, and more. Stay informed about interest rates and bond market trends.

Investing.com is your one-stop destination for all your financial needs. Whether you're a beginner investor or a seasoned trader, we provide the tools and resources you need to succeed in the global financial markets.

Stay ahead with our finance app, your go-to stock tracker for penny stocks and world market trends. Get breaking news and stock market updates, including stock news analysis and other financial news like Dow Jones, all in real-time.

Investing.com is not a trading platform, and users cannot trade in any financial instruments directly through Investing.com. In any event, it is important to state that all forms of investments carry risks, including the risk of losing all of the invested amount. Such activities may not be suitable for everyone.

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